Prior Approval Database
Search by CPT® or HCPCS code, or the name of the item to find services, equipment and supplies that need prior approval. If the service and applicable CPT® or HCPCS code appears below, we require prior approval even if the plan is secondary to another carrier, including Medicare.
Unless otherwise indicated, the following health plans do not require prior approval for the services within this database:
- The State of Vermont Total Choice Plan (prefix FVT)
- Vermont Blue65 and Vermont Medigap Blue supplement plans (prefix ZIB)
This database applies to the following health plans:
- Blue Cross Vermont (Note: Blue Cross VT includes Access Blue New England (ABNE), New England Health Plan (NEHP), and The Vermont Health Plan)
- International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW Local 300)
- The State of Vermont (Administrative Services Only)
Act 111 – Blueprint Primary Care Provider waiver of prior authorization: Effective for dates of service January 1, 2025 or after, prior authorization is waived for eligible primary care providers who order a qualifying service for a qualifying member. If you are not familiar with Act 111 and the waiver, please see Section 12 of our online Provider Handbook.
Prescription drugs: Please note that prescription drugs requiring prior approval are not listed in this database. Please refer the Vermont Blue Rx Center for drugs requiring prior approval. For State of Vermont plans, contact the pharmacy benefits manager for information.
Prior approval requirements and member benefits vary according to the member’s group or individual contract. Not all groups are required to follow the Vermont legislative mandates, and member contract language takes precedence over medical policies or the prior approval database when there is a conflict. Please verify member benefits prior to rendering services.
- ABNE and NEHP members: requirements only apply when members have primary care providers (PCPs) located in Vermont. For members with Vermont PCPs, the member’s Home Plan may manage mental health and pharmacy/mail order prescription drugs requirements and reviews.
- Federal Employee Program (FEP) members have separate prior approval or referral authorization
requirements. Please see separate lists for details.
Not Reviewed Definition
‘Not Reviewed’ in the database listings denotes that prior approval is not reviewed. Please verify member benefits prior to rendering services. A 'Not Reviewed' notation does not indicate that the service is covered.
Additional Information
- For more information about the Prior Approval process and authorization resources, review the Prior Approval Authorization page.
- View the Prior Approval List (PDF)
- Quick Tips Sheet for using the below database
- Please visit our medical policy page for our list of active medical policies.
- If you cannot find the information you are searching for in the database, please contact our Customer Service representatives.
We supply this database as a quick reference only. Codes appearing in this database may not be all inclusive. AMA and CMS code updates may occur more frequently than policy updates.
Search the Prior Approval Database
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Select the category you’re looking for (i.e., Radiology). If no results are found, use the Search by Name area below.
Search by Name
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Updated on
Mar 1, 2025New Code Added
Listing of Prior Approval itens
Autism-Spectrum-Disorder-Related Occupational, Physical, and Speech Therapy
For additional visits beyond the defined benefit limit.
See medical policies for Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy Medicine, and Speech Language Pathology/Therapy Services for more details.
Secure prior approvals
Prior Authorization Portal (via Provider Resource Center)
State of Vermont Uniform Medical Prior Authorization FormWhen benefits apply
New England Health Plan / Access Blue New England: Prior approval not reviewed.
Bariatric and Gastric Bypass Surgery
See medical policy for Bariatric Surgery for more information.
Secure prior approvals
Prior Authorization Portal (via Provider Resource Center)
State of Vermont Uniform Medical Prior Authorization FormCPT/HCPCS Code- 43644
- 43645
- 43770
- 43771
- 43772
- 43773
- 43775
- 43842
- 43843
- 43845
- 43846
- 43847
- 43848
- 43886
- 43887
- 43888
Blue Cross VT: Some members may not require prior approval but may be limited to services at Blue Distinction Centers. Please contact the customer service team for assistance determining prior approval requirements.
IBEW: Members must use Blue Distinction Centers and require prior approval. -
Chiropractic Services
After 12 initial visits
See medical policy for Chiropractic Services for more information.
Secure prior approvals
Prior Authorization Portal (via Provider Resource Center)
State of Vermont Uniform Medical Prior Authorization FormCPT/HCPCS Code- All
New England Health Plan / Access Blue New England: Prior approval not reviewed.
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Services
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Services
See medical policy for Cosmetic and Reconstructive Procedures for more information.
Secure prior approvals
Prior Authorization Portal (via Provider Resource Center)
State of Vermont Uniform Medical Prior Authorization FormCPT/HCPCS Code- All
Refer to individual listing items under the Cosmetic and Reconstructive Services Category (use the Search by Category box above) for more details on specific codes/listings (list is not all-inclusive).
When benefits apply -
Dental Services
See medical policy for Dental Services for Accidental Injury, Gross Deformity, Head and Neck Cancers, and Congenital/Genetic Disorders for more information.
Even with prior approval, benefits are limited. Certain services may not be covered.
Pediatric dental services are provided through CBA Blue, when applicable. See medical policy for Pediatric Dental Services or contact the customer service team for more information.Secure prior approvals
Prior Authorization Portal (via Provider Resource Center)
State of Vermont Uniform Medical Prior Authorization FormWe review only the following dental services under the medical benefit:
- Treatment for, or in connection with, an accidental injury to jaws, sound natural teeth, mouth or face, provided a continuous course of dental treatment begins within six months of the accident.
- Surgery to correct gross deformity resulting from major disease or Surgery (Surgery must take place within six months of the onset of disease or within six months after Surgery, except as otherwise required by law).
- Surgery related to head and neck cancer where sound natural teeth may be affected primarily or as a result of the chemotherapy or radiation treatment of that cancer.
- Treatment for a congenital or genetic disorder. Treatment for a congenital or genetic disorder, such as but not limited to the absence of one or more teeth, up to the first molar, or abnormal enamel (example lateral peg).
Facility and anesthesia charges for members who are:
- with phobias or mental illness documented by a licensed physician or mental health professional; OR
- with disabilities that preclude office-based dental care due to safety considerations; OR
- who are developmentally unable to safely tolerate office-based dental care
Exception: No PA for bone-impacted wisdom teeth when benefits apply.
No PA for the following:
- Lesion excision/destruction (D7286, D7413, D7414, D7415, D7440, D7441)
- Lesion excision/biopsy of lips (40490)
- Lesion excision/biopsy of mucosa (40810, 40812, 40814, 40816)
- Lesion excision/biopsy of vestibule of mouth (40808, 40818, 40820)
- Lesion excision/biopsy of tongue (41100, 41105, 41110, 41112, 41113, 41114)
- Lesion excision/biopsy of floor of mouth (41108, 41116)
- Lesion excision/biopsy of dentoalveolar structures (41800, 41825, 41826, 41827)
- Glossectomy (41120, 41130, 41135, 41155)
- Frenectomy of uvula (40819)
- Biopsy of the uvula (42100, 42104, 42106, 42107)
- Biopsy of salivary glands (42400, 42405)
Durable Medical Equipment (DME), Medical Supplies (including rentals), Orthotics and Prosthetics
See corporate medical policies on Medical Equipment and Supplies – Durable Medical Equipment (DMEPOS) and Supplies or Medical Equipment and Supplies – Prosthetics and Orthotics for more information.
Additionally, see service-specific medical policies when appropriate.Secure prior approvals
Prior Authorization Portal (via Provider Resource Center)
State of Vermont Uniform Medical Prior Authorization FormPrior approval is required when the purchase price is over the following dollar thresholds:
- Blue Cross VT: $1,000 or more
- IBEW: $3,500 or more
- State of VT (including SOV Total Choice): $1,000 or more
Exception: No PA required for urinary catheters and supplies, ostomy supplies, oxygen and oxygen-related supplies, insulin pump supplies, certain breast prosthetics for patients with a diagnosis of breast cancer, and cranial/scalp/wig prostheses.
Exception: No PA required for the following hand splints: L3702, L3760, L3763, L3764, L3808, L3921
Exception: When benefits apply, hearing aids do not require PA regardless of purchase price.
State of VT (including SOV Total Choice): Additional coverage applies for the following shoe insert orthotics, and prior approval is required when the purchase price is $1,000 or more: A5501, A5513, L3000, L3001, L3002, L3003, L3010, L3020, L3030, L3031, L3070, L3080, L3090, L3201, L3202, L3203, L3204, L3206, L3207, L3215, L3216, L3217, L3219, L3221, L3222, L3224, L3225, L3230, L3250, L3251, L3252, L3253
State of VT Total Choice (FVT): Prior approval required for durable medical equipment and supplies as indicated within this list.
See separate listings in this database for additional prior approval needs for:
- Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems
- Continuous Passive Motion Equipment
- Electrical and Ultrasound Stimulation
- Enteral Formulae and Total Parenteral Nutrition
- Home Infusion Therapy
- Hospital Beds and Accessories
- Medical Nutrition for Inherited Metabolic Diseases
- Miscellaneous DME, Orthotics and Prosthetics
- Positive Airway Pressure Devices (APAP, BiPAP, CPAP)
- Vision Services and Medical Coverage for Ocular Disease
- Wheelchairs
Gender Affirming Services
See medical policy for Gender Affirming Services for more information.
Secure prior approvals
Prior Authorization Portal (via Provider Resource Center)
State of Vermont Uniform Medical Prior Authorization FormCPT/HCPCS Code- All
Exception: No PA required for orchiectomy, hysterectomy, or salpingo-oophorectomy.
Hospital Beds and Accessories
Secure prior approvals
Prior Authorization Portal (via Provider Resource Center)
State of Vermont Uniform Medical Prior Authorization FormPA required for hospital bed accessories when the purchase price meets the dollar threshold indicated in the durable medical equipment section.
State of VT Total Choice (FVT): Prior approval required.
IBEW: Prior approval required for hospital beds when the purchase price meets the dollar threshold indicated in the durable medical equipment section. -
Intensive Outpatient Services (IOP)
For mental health and substance use disorder
Secure prior approvals
Prior Authorization Portal (via Provider Resource Center)
State of Vermont Uniform Medical Prior Authorization FormPrior approval will be waived if the rendering provider/facility is contracted with Blue Cross VT.
Non-emergency, as noted
New England Health Plan / Access Blue New England: Prior approval not reviewed.
Secure prior approvals
Prior Authorization Portal (via Provider Resource Center)
State of Vermont Uniform Medical Prior Authorization FormCPT/HCPCS Code- 69705
- 69706