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  • Wellness
Fall Activities in Vermont

Fall Activities in Vermont

In Vermont, fall is the shortest season, and the time of year our landscape turns its most spectacular hues. The scent, cool air, and brilliant colors make outdoor activities special and memorable. Set aside time to take advantage of the fall season and rejuvenate yourself.

Two women walking in pride parade with pride flag

Celebrating Pride in Vermont

Vermont has its own unique Pride traditions in September. Learn more about this year's Pride celebration, including wellness events.

View from Owl's Head in Vermont

Five Family-Friendly Hikes

A great family outing is to take a hike on a shady Vermont trail. We have compiled a list of five family-friendly hikes in Northern Vermont that Blue Cross employees recommend.

When walking in the woods, be aware of ticks.

Tips for Preventing Tick Bites

Many of us are aware that tick safety is important, but may not be sure how to best protect ourselves from tick bites. With the number of ticks growing rapidly, don't miss these suggestions for preventing tick bites.