
Making health care work better for Vermonters at work

Woman doing yoga outside for wellness

Introduction to BeWell@Work℠

BeWell@Work targets preventable health care costs

You can improve employee health outcomes and drive down health care costs by targeting personal behavior. Leveraging both clinical and wellness data, we identify and share actionable insights and programming that can make a real difference in the health of your employees while lowering your health care costs.

Why BeWell@Work

Your employees and organization are unique. That's why our BeWell@Work worksite wellness program is fully customizable.

We partner with you to design and plan a program specifically to improve the health and well-being of your employees. It’s just one way we’re making health care work better for Vermonters.

To start, we work closely with you to identify what’s most important to you and your employees. Through the BeWell@Work program, you’ll have access to:

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Supporting Wellness Team
Our local wellness engagement team and a dedicated wellness consultant work with you and your organization.
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Data-Driven Planning
Data-driving analytics that help us identify the areas that will have the most impact on your employees' health.
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Wellness Reimbursement Fund
A wellness reimbursement fund to help support the costs of wellness programs and incentives to drive employee engagement.
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Educational Resources
Education and help navigating community resources, so your employees have to access to the information and the help they need to achieve their health and wellness goals.
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Be Well Vermont Portal
The Be Well Vermont digital platform to engage and motivate employees to participate in healthier behaviors.
Employees stretching in office meeting for worksite wellness

Building Your Worksite Wellness Foundation

"Our success is rooted in the foundation that Blue Cross Vermont was the cornerstone in helping us build! We can’t thank you enough for all your support and guidance over the years. And as I said before, I think the Be Well Vermont is enabling some to the best prevention work that is currently occurring in Vermont."

Matthew MacNeil
Director of Evaluation and Outcomes and Co-chair of Howard Center’s Employee-run Wellness Committee, Howard Center

How It Works

  1. Your Wellness Consultant: Ongoing Support and Communications

    Your Blue Cross certified wellness consultant is there every step of the way to guide and support your health and wellness initiatives. They meet you where you are to design and implement customized multi-year behavior modification and wellness plans.

    Your health and wellness consultant provides:

    • Holistic, actionable plans that incorporate wellness history, available resources, and communication channels
    • Industry insights and education, as well as referrals to community programs and resources
    • Regular wellness meetings that provide information, ideas, and support for your program
    • Monthly wellness emails on a wide variety of health and wellness topics for your employees
    • Company-wide wellness challenges for all your employees
    • Customized marketing and design services to drive participation
  2. Assessment of Your Health and Wellness

    We incorporate clinical and worksite health and engagement data to create a roadmap targeting improvements to your employees’ health and well-being. Our data-driven process provides valuable insights into your top health drivers. Using this data, we help you build campaigns that target the unique needs of your organization through multiple communication channels.

    • We incorporate medical, mental health, substance use disorder, pharmacy, and health assessments for whole-person health programming.
    • Our custom reporting includes population-level claims analysis and aggregate health risk assessment analysis.
    • Your organization’s reporting, combined with our personalized analytic support, gives you and your employees real-time insights and progress indicators.
  3. BeWell@Work Reimbursement Fund

    As part of our health and wellness partnership, you will receive annual wellness reimbursement funds to support wellness programming and incentives to engage and reward employees for participating in healthy behaviors.

Health and Wellness Tools & Resources

Supporting your organization with online tools and resources to create a wellness program that works for your organization and your employees. Your organization will have access to:

Our wellness platform offers a personalized approach to engage and motivate your employees. It combines best-in-class interactive tools and resources with an incentive platform to empower and motivate your employees to take charge of their health.

  • Promote your upcoming health and wellness events
  • Manage and track incentive programs and team challenges
  • Use tools such as health trackers to help achieve your goals
  • Mobile access for employees, making it more convenient to track their progress

BeWell@Work gives your employees access to a National Committee for Quality Assurance-certified health assessment within Be Well Vermont. The assessment gives your employees a look at their overall health status and confirms where they’re on track and identifies areas for improvement. After taking the assessment, your employees can:

  • Print their report for their primary care provider
  • Integrate their health assessment with the other wellness platform features to receive information and activities relevant to their unique health needs
  • Update their health assessment whenever their health status changes, so they always have the most current health information

Keep health and wellness front and center through compelling employee engagement campaigns.

  • Promote quarterly wellness campaigns that are ready to roll out to employees
  • Step-by-step guide on why and how to promote popular wellness topics and encourage your employees to adopt healthier habits
  • Virtual presenters and workshops to help educate, engage and motivate your employees

Be Well Portal

Take your Online Health Assessment and sign up for our free Be Well Vermont wellness program. You’ll need your member ID number to create an account.

Wellness Satisfaction

Wellness plays a central role in the lives of employees. Your investment helps improve and sustain morale and establishes a positive workplace culture.

86% 52% 95%
of members in our top performing BeWell@Work groups say they proud to be associated with their company. of organizations that are most engaged continue to show a higher preventive care visit. of employees in organizations that are the most engaged are more productive and engaged at work.

Measuring Progress

Healthy organizations achieve results over time with the help of dedicated leadership, effective programming, and organizational culture that is committed to wellness.

The start of your wellness initiatives involves raising awareness and engaging your employees. From there, you can implement actionable wellness programming and events. Eventually, wellness becomes an integral component of your workplace culture. Data consistently shows that higher employee well-being leads to greater employee engagement, boosted productivity, and a better bottom line. BeWell@Work helps drive quality results, lower costs, and improve the wellbeing of Vermonters. The result? A vibrant workplace with healthy, engaged employees.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions about BeWell@Work and how it can benefit your employees, contact your account manager or our sales representative.

Contact us to learn more