Our Statement of Support to Address Racism
Our Statement of Support to Address Racism
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont condemns racism and systemic oppression and stands in solidarity with other local, Vermont institutions to proactively disrupt the status quo. Furthermore, we believe the recent killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor are a result of longstanding aggression and racial profiling dating back generations. Remaining silent in the face of overt acts of violence, daily micro aggressions, and injustice towards fellow Americans, reinforces and perpetuates this deeply entrenched system. We will not remain silent.
As America gathers to remember Mr. Floyd—we are galvanized to listen, speak up, and stand strong alongside one another to fight for what is right and what is just.
If one person is harmed, we are all harmed—this is our pledge to all Vermonters:
First and foremost, we pledge to act. We will work with our Diversity and Inclusion Council to identify opportunities for growth within our organization and develop concrete steps to closing these gaps. From implicit bias training to hiring practices, we will work with leading organizations to educate ourselves about white privilege and how to support anti-racism work every day and through every interaction.
We pledge to listen and learn. As health care leaders we promise to make a dedicated commitment to understanding and addressing factors that cause African Americans to suffer more than half of the COVID-19 cases and nearly 60 percent of deaths nationwide. We will seek out, listen to, and support advocates and organizations to end racial violence and oppression.
We pledge to be part of the change we wish to see. We will work to support our partner organizations in their efforts to address racial bias and health disparities in communities throughout Vermont, including Governor Phil Scott’s Racial Equity Task Force. Furthermore, we support the Floyd family’s call to create a national task force that would establish bipartisan legislation focused on ending racial violence and increasing police accountability. We will call on elected officials to commit to a process of healing and we will refuse to support leaders who perpetuate messages of division.